Bed Bug Myths Debunked

Bed bugs are between 3 and 5 millimeters in size and can be found in vents, cracks, and shared walls.

Bed bugs have coexisted with humans since ancient times. Once thought eradicated, they are experiencing a surge in numbers due to increased resistance to pesticides, global travel, and dense population. With this boost in numbers comes an increase in misinformation regarding their behaviour and biology. The following are some myths circulating about bed bugs and the truth about these pesky bloodsuckers. 

You Can’t See Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are between 3 and 5 millimetres in size, reddish brown, and the shape of an apple seed. Adults are easily spotted with the naked eye. 

Canada Is Too Cold For Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are found and survive in every region of Canada. 

You Cannot Get Bed Bugs From The Neighbours

Bed bugs travel through vents, cracks, and shared walls, making apartments and condominiums particularly at risk of bed bug migration. Eradicating them often requires a building-wide effort. 

Bed Bugs Cannot Climb Metal Bed Frames

Replacing your bed frame with a metal frame will not stop your bed bug troubles. Bed bugs live in various places on your bed. 

Bed Bugs Only Bite You At Night

Bed bugs eat when they’re hungry. This is often nighttime but can be any time of day. Leaving a light on at night will not save your skin from red itchy bumps.

Bed Bugs Only Live On Mattresses

Though they are called bed bugs, these pesky intruders can be found on any surface (railings, chairs, ceilings, mattresses, clothing, electronics, couches, bedding, etc.).

Bed Bugs Are Found Only in Dirty, Untidy Conditions

Though bed bug populations are often high in low-income housing, this is generally due to dense habitancy rather than dirty, untidy conditions. Bed bugs are found everywhere, from homeless shelters to expensive hotel rooms. 

Bed Bugs Like To Hitch A Ride On Your Body

Bed bugs don’t like heat, so they seldom stick to your skin or hair. They travel on luggage, purses, backpacks, shoes, etc. 

Bed Bugs Carry Disease

Though the presence of bed bugs often causes sleeplessness and anxiety, there are no reported cases of bed bugs transmitting disease to humans. 

You Can Eradicate Bed Bugs With Pesticide

Bed bugs are resistant to pesticides. Heat treatment, fumigation, and cold treatment are the best solutions. Diatomaceous earth and essential oils have some efficacy. Contact a pest control expert for help. 

Do you wake each morning with red, itchy bumps on your body? Have you found small reddish-brown bugs on your mattress? Have you unsuccessfully treated a bed bug infestation?  Contact One Man and a Lady Bug. Let us help reduce your stress and your bed bug population!
