The perfect time for preventative treatment and care is when trees, shrubs, and bushes awaken in the spring. Timely attention (fertilization, adequate moisture, mulching, pruning, protective treatments against pests, etc.) sets the stage for healthy growth. Prevention is critical for creating a landscape with aesthetic appeal and long-term health.
Spring Care For Trees, Shrubs, And Bushes
Spring is a time of growth and renewal, accompanied by warm weather, longer days, and blooming flowers. It’s when trees, shrubs, and bushes awaken from winter’s dormancy. The following proactive techniques ensure your landscape is healthy all year round.
Pest and Disease Management
Caring for your trees, shrubs, and bushes in the spring contributes to their future beauty and health. As pests are less active in early spring, treatments are more effective. Contact a reputable tree service for assistance. They can help with the following treatments:
- Foliar Spray: Diseases and pests destroy leaves, trunks, and branches, threatening your landscape. One solution is a foliar spray, which are chemicals sprayed in spring to protect new growth and ensure a healthy start. Done correctly, this technique does not harm surrounding foliage and beneficial insects.
- Tree implants utilize water-soluble chemicals. They’re placed on or inside the cambium (the growing portion of the tree), allowing the chemicals to travel from the trunk to the leaves via the xylem sap (liquid containing hormones, nutrients, and minerals).
- Tree injections enable the treatment of common tree issues by injecting chemicals into the tree itself. Done correctly, this treatment does not impact surrounding foliage and beneficial insects.
- Soil drenching involves trees absorbing liquid chemicals through their roots, allowing them to travel through the tree via the xylem (liquid containing hormones, nutrients, and minerals).
Tree Pruning and Trimming
Pruning in spring is crucial to maintaining trees’ aesthetic appearance and health. It involves removing dead and diseased branches, giving trees the proper shape, and preventing hazards (such as falling branches). In areas where heavy snowfall weighs on branches, causing damage, spring pruning is particularly important. Contact an expert for help with pruning and trimming.
Fertilizers feed your trees, shrubs, and bushes while improving soil. Consider organic, slow-release fertilizers for less risk and best results.
Adequate Watering
Adequate watering encourages root growth, making plants drought-resistant. Consider drip irrigation to save water and deliver moisture directly to the base of trees, shrubs, and bushes.
Application of Mulch
Mulch retains moisture, suppresses unwanted plants, and adds organic matter to the earth. It creates a healthy environment for your trees, shrubs, and bushes, allowing them to flourish.
How One Man And a Lady Bug Can Help
One Man & A Ladybug has the safety equipment, tools, and experience to manage spring care for your trees, shrubs, and bushes. We understand environmental conditions and local species, allowing us to provide services tailored to your unique needs. We provide one-time and regularly scheduled inspections and treatment. Contact us for all your tree care needs.