
Protecting Your Trees from Common Summer Insects - One Man and a Lady Bug - Calgary Pest Control and Extermination

It’s not just humans and pets that have to deal with an increased presence of bugs and insects during warm summer months; trees and shrubs are also at the mercy of hungry insects that forage on leaves, damaging both the

Ants – Possibly One of Summer’s Most Annoying Insects - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control in Calgary

Summer – a season of sunny days, warm nights, campfires, bbqs, and insects. Summer’s lazy days and nights of extended light and warmth aren’t only appreciated by humans; creatures see the sun’s rays as a sign of freedom and abundance.

According to a recent story on CBC Calgary: “Alberta Fish and Wildlife has compiled a list, which includes 60 animals from pigeons to bats to sparrows to white-tailed jackrabbits that conservation officers and biologists make the list based on pest

Which Bugs Can You Expect to See This Summer?

From Ants and Wasps to Mosquitoes and Cockroaches, summer brings out all the big players. Bugs summertime-antics aren’t always appreciated by those inconvenienced by their presence, but many of these pests play a vital role in our ecosystem and contribute

Summer Weather Brings Bug Problems

It’s most people’s’ favourite time of year; we can feel grass beneath our feet, the sun on our face… and the bug bites on our body. It’s a bit frustrating that summertime is our only chance to be outdoors and

Wasp Removal in Calgary – Best Practices to Follow

Wasps – probably one of the most annoying summertime pests to deal with.  On a good day, they annoy the heck out of Calgarians who are trying to relax on their deck or complete some needed yard work.On a bad

Summertime Mosquitos

Will we pay for the incredibly warm winter by an overabundance of bug activity this summer? If you’ve turned the weather channel on at all the last few months, you’ve probably heard that all this warm air blowing off the

Indoor Bugs and How to Keep Them Out

You’re just settling down for a relaxing evening on the couch, checking-out the latest Netflix offerings and enjoying a glass of your favorite vino, when out of the corner of your eye you notice some scuttling in the corner. The

The Do’s and Don’ts of Bug Traps

Who wants to share their home and yard with some annoying bug or rodent? No one! Our home is our castle without the moat to ward off unwanted house guests of the buzzing, furry variety. But before you arm yourself

Protecting Your Garage and Shed From Critters

If you read our last blog you’re probably ready to start some spring cleaning in your garage. Mice, spiders, termites and ants love to claim garage and shed space as theirs – and quickly make their mark by chewing through

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