
Firewood Pests – How to Prevent Them from Infesting Your Home

There’s nothing more welcoming than a roaring fire – especially now that winter temperatures are upon us, bringing cooler nights and chilly homes. Having a pile of cut firewood ready by the hearth makes a picture worthy scene – but

Proper Cleanup of Mouse Droppings

You’ve noticed some small dark droppings around your home – and maybe when you pull out your stove or fridge you’re surprised to see an excess of mouse droppings. Obviously your first instinct is to get rid of these droppings

Overwintering Insects – Hibernating to Survive the Cold

Unlike the famous Monarch Butterfly that flies up to two thousand miles a day to reach the warmer climates of Florida and Mexico – many insects have no choice but to stay put during Canada’s cold wintry months – and

Regular Inspections Can Help in Preventing Pest Infestations

Calgary Pest Control Professionals at One Man and a Lady Bug strive to help home and business owners prevent and control all forms of pest infestation. Acknowledging that prevention plays a huge role in ensuring common pests don’t take over

How To Prepare Your Home For Winter Pests

Calgary Exterminators and Pest Control Experts at One Man and a Lady Bug are gearing up for a busy winter handling requests for Pest Management in and around Calgary.  With dropping temperatures and weather systems that drive even the toughest

All about Mice in Calgary

Adorable, fluffy, whimsical little creatures that are featured regularly in cartoons, movies and bedtime stories, too often grow up to become rotten little pests that torment humans having to live with them.  Mice – love them or hate them –

Common Places to Find House Pests

From unusual squeaks and bumps in the night to tell-tale ‘signs’ of an unwanted house guest – now is the time of year that critters and creepy-crawlies that have been hanging around your yard during the summer months, inch their

Jewel Spiders Showing Up in Calgary

This summer has been especially warm for Calgary – with what seems like week-after-week of dry hot weather that has been equally appreciated by humans and common pests.  Calgary Pest Control Company – One Man and a Ladybug – are

Flying Ants – Making Their Presence Known in Calgary

Ants have always claimed their territory in Calgary yards and parks; and though they can be annoying, they’ve never gained the same amount of attention as this late summer’s invasion of Flying Ants. Calgary Pest Control Experts – One Man

Are Ants Wrecking Your Summer?

Calgary Pest Control Experts – One Man and a Ladybug – get a lot of calls at this time of year regarding ant activity in yards and homes. Why are ants a summertime nuisance? Well interestingly ants and bears have

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