
How would you react to finding out there were 50,000 honeybees living in your walls? A homeowner in Kitchener found out earlier this week when she discovered that around 50,000 bees had been living in her walls. “‘We saw bees

Calgary Pest Control – Voles Impacting Calgary Homes

Our previous blogs have addressed the annoyances of mice and bed bugs – but right now there’s a new kid in town who’s causing quite a stir – the common Vole. Voles are mouse-like rodents who are also referred to

Mice Control in Calgary

Though warmer temperatures are upon us – Calgary is still dealing with mice and rodent infestations. Exterminators in Calgary are kept busy through the winter and early spring addressing mice control and the subsequent damage they inflict on home and

How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Calgary

Bed Bugs in Calgary are a reality than many an apartment and homeowner has had to deal with. This invasive creature measuring little more than the size of an apple seed can ruin a goodnight’s sleep and leave bites and

Calgary Pest Control: How To Keep Unwanted Guests Out

During the cooler fall and winter months, it’s not uncommon for a home or businesses to become a sanctuary where pests can wait out cold weather and diminishing food supplies. In our previous blogs we’ve explained the tenacity of pests

Winter Pest Control In Calgary

If you’re thinking that Pest Control in Calgary’s winter is a waste of money – think again. Our long, chilly season makes us search for warmer climates, and winter pests are no different, only it’s your home and business they’re

Mice Infestation in Calgary

Our past blogs have highlighted some pest control issues that arise during winter months in Calgary – and the presence of mice is a pest control issue that plagues many homes and businesses at this time of year. One Man

Pharaoh Ants Surviving Winter in Your Calgary House

It isn’t hard to believe that winter months see an increase of pest control issues inside homes. So far this season Calgary’s winter has proven to be very snowy and cold – to the point where even we don’t want

Cockroaches – Out Smart, Out Wit, Out Last

Calgary Pest Management Company – One Man and a Lady Bug knows all about the devastation cockroaches can inflict on homes, businesses, and lives. Associated with tracking grime and diseases over food and living quarters – cockroaches are a bug

Start a New Year Bug Free

Christmas is behind you; all the decorations are down, gifts are exchanged and there are no traces of turkey to be found. But something’s different since you took down the tree and straightened up your living room – you’ve noticed

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