
Does Your Garage Have Bugs and Critters?

Garages are a real treat to homeowners in need of storage for vehicles, work tools, kids’ toys and miscellaneous items. Capable of holding many odds and ends that don’t have an official home – garages often become the spot where

Why You May Be Noticing Cluster Flies in Early Spring

As warm weather approaches it’s not just humans itching to get outside and soak up the first hint of warmer rays. Cluster Flies are a common sight in early spring as they venture from their winter hiding places, attracted to

Spring is Approaching – Look-out for Bug Activity

Bet you just loved Calgary’s mild winter of 2015/2016. Less snow to shovel, fewer days of scraping ice off your windshield; and way easier commutes to work. Well, you’re not the only one who basked in the warm days of

Are You Causing a Bug and Pest Problem in Your Home?

We’d all love to blame a bug or pest infestation on the little critter. After all, isn’t it their behaviour that caused your home to be overrun with unwelcome house guests? Well the truth is maybe you played a part

All About the Maple Bug

The Maple Bug – also referred to as the Box Elder Bug is a common site around homes during the fall months as they search for shelter from the approaching colder months. But where do these harmless insects hide-out during

Beetle Mania!

Who knew that Alberta was home to so many different varieties of Beetles! From Carpet and Grain Beetles to Bark Beetles – spotting these scampering critters can help protect your home and yard from an infestation. Carpet Beetles Think you’re

Dealing With Pests and Bugs? Ask For Environmentally Friendly Options

So it’s official – you’ve got a pest infestation. Whether it was the remains of skin shells you noticed – or the fact that you got to witness the scampering of some little critter across your kitchen floor – the

The Cons of DIY Pest Removal

There’s something to be said about individual’s who tackle projects around the house without the need to call in the professionals. From wallpapering, laying floors, installing a new kitchen and handling a plumbing concern – it seems that no job

Moths May Appear Harmless – Until They’re Living in Your Home

Moths – famous for their destruction of wool clothing – these winged critters don’t just limit themselves to wool products and will take a bite out of other materials, including silk, felt, fur, feathers and carpets. Notoriously annoying for swarming

How to Recover From a Pest Infestation in Your Business

Pests are no fun, regardless if they creep in to your home or business. But business owners are faced with additional concerns – especially if their business serves the public in any way – so dealing swiftly and effectively with
