Tag: environmental pest control

A man is spraying what is needed for tree treatment during the spring season.

The perfect time for preventative treatment and care is when trees, shrubs, and bushes awaken in the spring. Timely attention (fertilization, adequate moisture, mulching, pruning, protective treatments against pests, etc.) sets the stage for healthy growth. Prevention is critical for

A man is spraying his plants with Insecticidal soap to promote green pest control solutions.

Eco-friendly pest control refers to multiple methods of managing and preventing pests that are safe for pets, humans, and the environment. These methods include the use of non-toxic pesticides and exclusion/prevention strategies that minimize the presence of pests. Reasons To

A man is cleaning out clogged gutters to get rid of mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are a nuisance! They’re perhaps the most despised insect of all. Rightfully so as they are not only annoying but can pose a health risk as they sometimes transmit infectious diseases. The following are some expert tips and proven

Mosquito Breeding Grounds in Your Yard

With the heat and the moisture May gave to us, mosquitoes are sure to be interrupting our BBQs, bike rides, hikes and picnics as we continue to enjoy the warmth and life of summer. Where there’s one mosquito, there’s often

Gardening to Attract the Good Bugs - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Company - Featured Image

As the heat of summer sunshine approaches and our need for something to do grows, many Albertans are considering turning back to the earth. Taking up gardening as a distraction through what could be a very quiet summer might save

Pest Control to Keep You Busy - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Company - Featured Image

Some Calgarians have suddenly come into a lot of extra time that we can use in whatever way suits us. For a lot of creative types, this means learning new skills or new ways to do things. This can also

Protect Against Spring Pests - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Company - Featured Image

Without a doubt, this is an extremely stressful time for everyone and their families. There is so much uncertainty, but there’s one spring activity we at One Man and a Lady Bug are eager to help you with! We want

Cockroaches 101 - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Company - Featured Image

It’s no surprise that this little pest would rank near the top of a list of most annoying insects. Cockroaches have been scurrying underfoot for the better part of 400 million years and are known for their resilience to nearly

Illnesses and Diseases Linked to Mice - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Company - Featured Image

Cold and flu seasons coupled with the Coronavirus making its rounds across the world has many Albertans on edge when it comes to getting sick. It’s safe to say that we all are looking to take as many precautions as

The Elusive Vole - One Man and a Lady Bug - Pest Control Company - Featured Image

While taking precautions to keep mice out of your home and yard is a must during the winter, there’s another pesky little critter to watch out for as the seasons start to change. Not to be confused with a mouse
