Tag: Pest Control Solutions Calgary

Bed bugs are between 3 and 5 millimeters in size and can be found in vents, cracks, and shared walls.

Bed bugs have coexisted with humans since ancient times. Once thought eradicated, they are experiencing a surge in numbers due to increased resistance to pesticides, global travel, and dense population. With this boost in numbers comes an increase in misinformation

A man is spraying his plants with Insecticidal soap to promote green pest control solutions.

Eco-friendly pest control refers to multiple methods of managing and preventing pests that are safe for pets, humans, and the environment. These methods include the use of non-toxic pesticides and exclusion/prevention strategies that minimize the presence of pests. Reasons To

A rat eating fresh fruits with pesticides promotes pest control for rats.

Rats are destructive! They cause losses to infield and stored crops, transmit diseases, cause electrical fires, and destroy property. In 1950, Alberta created a Rat Control Program. Since then, rats have not been allowed to establish in the province. Small

Many mosquitoes blocked on a wire screen and this one of the best ways for pest proofing your home.

Summer brings clear skies, golden sunshine, festivals, sunglasses, sandcastles, ice cream, flip-flops, gardening, and more time spent in the backyard. It also brings a variety of pests (mice, mosquitoes, ants, mites, flies, spiders, etc.)! Let One Man and a Ladybug

Places Where Pests Can Hide

If there’s one thing pests love to do it’s make themselves as inconspicuous as possible and live quietly alongside us without us noticing them. Our homes provide all the essentials for pests, by way of food, shelter and water and

Tent Caterpillars in Calgary

What is 2 inches long has a white stripe down its back and a fur-like coat? It’s the Tent Caterpillar. Sometimes reaching 5 inches long this insect common to Alberta can be nothing shy of annoying. Calgary Pest Management team

Bee and Wasp Season in Calgary

They’re back! And we’re not referring to rodeo cowboys – we’re talking about our stripped friends from the family Apoidea (Bees) and Vespidae (Wasps) – who are all set to hover above our back yard barbecues and loiter annoyingly around

Summer is upon us – toasty days and lazy warm evenings hanging out on the deck. But there are a few things that can really ruin a summer day – one being rain – and the other the unwanted distraction

How Your Health is Affected by Rodent Activity

As if the gnawing of your baseboards and nibbling of your favorite cereal wasn’t enough to deal with – Rodent Activity also presents issues that can negatively impact yours and your family’s health. Calgary Pest Control Experts at One Man

Common Places for Bugs to Hide-Out in Retail Stores

If you’re a retail store owner you’re probably always on the look-out for signs of bug or pest issues like rodent activity – issues that can drive the public from your store, taking with them bad reviews and potential income.
