The perfect time for preventative treatment and care is when trees, shrubs, and bushes awaken in the spring. Timely attention (fertilization, adequate moisture, mulching, pruning, protective treatments against pests, etc.) sets the stage for healthy growth. Prevention is critical for
Bed bugs have coexisted with humans since ancient times. Once thought eradicated, they are experiencing a surge in numbers due to increased resistance to pesticides, global travel, and dense population. With this boost in numbers comes an increase in misinformation
Unwanted pests in your home, business, and upon your property are annoying and sometimes unsafe! They may cause asthma, allergic reactions, respiratory disease, and stress. They may be responsible for property damage to wiring, insulation, and building materials. It can
Have you ever opened a closet door and released a few months? Vacuumed a dark corner in your home and discovered spider webs? Arose from bed to find mouse feces on your floor? Have you ever been plagued by a
A garden can be a haven for pests! A common knee-jerk response to the presence of these pesky critters is to reach for a chemical pesticide. Before listening to this inner urge, consider that insects are natural elements of any
As we head further into spring, the trees will begin budding and the potential for diseases to infiltrate the urban forests in our beautiful city will increase with the warmer weather. Not only are the trees waking up, but so
It’s never a good time to have an ant invasion in your home, but it’s even worse if it keeps happening. If you’re dealing with continued ant problems, you don’t have to lose all hope! Ants eventually catch up with
There are plenty of pests to watch out for, particularly as the temperatures begin to rise, but do you know which ones are most common in Southern Alberta? Rodents, bugs and other creepy crawlies will attempt to venture indoors, seeking
Now that spring is inching its way closer to above-zero temperatures, we need to start thinking about our tall, leafy friends and how to help them have a pest-free spring. Give your trees the opportunity for healthy growth all the
Though it may seem a little early to be prepping your trees for the arrival of Jack Frost, winter tree prep must happen before the snow falls in order to properly protect our leafy friends. To thank them for all
Every pest dilemma is different. Different pests require different solutions.Contact us today so we can assess your situation and come up with the right solution to end what’s bugging you!